Elements Body is an orthosis made of Lycra fabric, it is designed to give constant and consistent proprioceptive feedback through a combination of pressure and resistance. The function of our Elements Body Lycra garments is to improve posture and stability. This is achieved by providing increased pressure to the body through a snug custom fit. By increasing the deep sensibility, proprioceptive feedback is increased. The proprioceptive feedback may also improve the patient's fine motor skills and functional performance. Various reinforcements can be selected to optimise stability, movement and function.
This Elements Body training presentation will take you through Allard Supports history with Lycra garments, you will also increase your knowledge and awareness of the assessment and clinical application of the Elements Body Orthosis.
Course Learning Outcomes
- Function of Lycra garments
- Information regarding the fabrics used in Elements Body range
- Information regarding design options for Elements Body range
- Diagnosis and clinical application of Elements Body
- Current supportive evidence available
This Elements Body training is provided by Allard UK. The quiz and certificate mentioned in the course video is only available via Allard UK. Please contact us if you would like to learn more about Elements Body training.