A new carbon footplate from Allard International!
4 October 2023
Camp Scandinavia has over 25 years of experience in carbon composite materials, and we are happy to introduce a new addition to our range of ankle and foot orthoses. We talked to David Nordenberg Steiman, Product Manager, and Christina Engström, Project Manager R&D, about the carbon footplate we just launched on the market.
Tell us about the background of this new product!
-We have recently seen a demand from customers and distributors for a carbon footplate with similar stability and properties as those of our foot drop splints in the Allard AFO range, says David Nordenberg Steiman. There are many types of foot problems. Using our existing expertise to help as many patients as possible have been an important factor in the process. We sat down with our project group in Malmö and discussed how to create a product that meets the market's needs.
What is a carbon footplate, and how does it work?
-It is an insole made of carbon fiber placed under the shoe's regular insole. In cases of forefoot or metatarsal pain, it is beneficial that the pressure is distributed over a larger area to protect the painful part of the foot, says Christina Engström. The footplate provides a stable base to stand and walk on, reducing stress on structures in the foot that cause pain, such as stress fractures and osteoarthritis. For Hallux Rigidus problems where the big toe joint becomes rigid, the carbon foot plate protects the MTP joints and forefoot by limiting the range of motion and facilitating roll-off. The insole can gradually increase mobility after immobilization with a post-operative shoe or walker. It can also improve balance after toe amputations.
There are several carbon footplate insoles on the market. How does this product stand out?
-Most walking and jogging shoes on the market today have a heel height of 5-8mm. Our footplate is not entirely flat. It follows the shoe's silhouette for a better fit and the toe-lift facilitates the roll-over, says Christina. It also has excellent torsional stiffness that gives good stability to the foot.
-Our carbon footplate is produced in a state-of-the-art facility with the latest carbon fiber technology and equipment. In the factory, we cover all our energy needs with electricity from renewable sources. We can proudly say that our product is made with 100% renewable energy, says David.
The carbon footplate will be sold to orthopedic businesses or shoe shops with grinding equipment to adapt the product to the patient. The product will be available to customers and distributors in all markets where we or our distributors are represented.
Read more about the product here
David Nordenberg Steiman is a licensed physiotherapist and product manager.
Christina Engström is a licensed orthopedic engineer and project manager R&D.